Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No news yet...

Well, I have never considered myself a patient person. After waiting (and waiting and waiting) for this baby to come, I have finally decided to be induced tomorrow. I'm still where I was last week dilation- and effacement-wise, and I am surprised that she hasn't made an appearance. However, my mom just flew in yesterday, so time is of the essence. I was hoping that I would go last night, but who was I kidding? I hope this does not bode well for "prima donna" behaviors throughout this girl's life. Already trying to "make an entrance"? Are we in trouble here? Lauren was such a mellow girl that I have been hoping for a carbon copy of her. I can dream! Kristin told me yesterday that she wished for me a "mild child" so that my pattern could be wild-wild-mild-mild. Oh, how I agree with her!

We'll give you more particulars as time goes on (and on and on)...

1 comment:

Sweetarita said...

I will pray for you that all will go well. I can hardly wait to see what she looks like. You and Lar make such cute babies!!! Anyways, know that we love you and are thinking about you. Let us know when the Princess arrives.
love Larita