Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Any time now...

Well, I am about 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced (sorry if that is share overload!), so we could have a new baby any day now. However, now that I've said that, she'll probably be late! :)

Our little nest is pretty well feathered, and we even have our own apple tree in the back yard. Cool, huh?!

Now that my computer is set up, I will send an email soon with our new address. I promise!

We'll let you know of anything exciting happening around here...

1 comment:

Tara Brooks said...

Congratulations on the new place. Hopefully the baby will make her grand appearance sooner than later and with little (or at least managable) pain. We love and miss you guys much. Every time I drive down Rose Ave. passing your street, I sigh and realize that you don't live here anymore. I hope Utah realizes what special people you are. Love you tons.