Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'll be here till the wind changes...

Don't you just love Mary Poppins? I absolutely love that movie, even though Dick Van Dyke's accent is hilariously not even close. The thing that always got me is that Mary knew when it was time to go. And it was ok. The family was better by then, and although it was sad, it all worked out. Everyone could move on and Mary could go and help some other dysfunctional family. :)

I think life is like that. Sometimes the wind brings change. Sometimes good things have to end so better things can eventually come. But I resist change. Tooth and nail. I just read something today that said, "Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." Yikes! That is so true. When we resist change and think pessimistically, we are choosing not to grow. We think it is the easier way. After all, they don't call them "growing pains" for nothing! But not growing isn't really easier. We just keep making the same mistakes over and over and hitting our heads against the same wall. Not really a pretty picture, don't you agree? Growing means learning. Learning what is truly important. Learning to smile. Learning the wisdom of "Come what may. And love it."

We all have so much. I have so much to be grateful for. I have a wonderful, faithful husband, loving, healthy children, and my own good health. I know that God lives and loves me individually. I know that Jesus died for me. I have hope in those things. All things will work together for my good, if I will let it. I hope I can embrace change and learn to enjoy it. Now that would be a valuable lesson learned!


Melissa said...

Well said my friend, well said! Love you lots!

Tera said...

So insightful. Sometimes it is hard to embrace change when the what's current seems to be working so well. But, like you said, if we don't change we never grow. And to become like Heavenly Father, we have to constantly be striving to grow! Thanks for your thoughts! Well said!

Sweetarita said...

If anyone can embrace change, you can and you always do it well. I love you bunches!

Thunell Family said...

You're such an inspiration. Thank you for your thoughts. I'm thinking of you! Love you.

Liz said...

"Lead kindly light..." I am so glad you chose that song. If I could just sing it without crying... I think you are doing a marvelous job of bending with the wind, which I remember is an oriental virtue. Like bamboo. Bend with the wind so that you don't break. You are doing it. It's another description of being steadfast and immovable, I believe. You hold your ground on the things that matter while still being flexible to the changes that occur in your life. Way to go!

Conner Family said...

Melanie I haven't kept up well enough I don't know what changes you might be facing but I happened to read your comments and we are facing major changes in our family right now and though I also know these things hearing someone else express them is reassuring You are awesome I've really missed your families friendliness

Melanie said...

I love Mary Poppins...but I love you more! ((((HUGS))))
