Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What I believe...

There was (is?) a program on NPR where people could give little audio-essays about what they believe. I would often think of what I would say if I were to do one of these pieces.

Then yesterday, I was at this site and saw a variation on this theme.

Only way, way better.

Rachel Esplin, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a student at Harvard, is part of a panel discussion about her beliefs, representing the LDS church. She does an amazing job, especially for a 20-something. I was really impressed, and I recommend you watch the video. She speaks faithfully, articulately, respectfully, and intelligently. Would that all religious conversations took place like this one....


Liz said...

Our family watched her interview maybe a month ago. I think that it was especially great for our older children (the ones who were watching) to see this amazing missionary experience. Great example. She was obviously blessed by the Spirit as she is so succint in her remarks.

Thunell Family said...

Thank you! I loved watching this! And, my kids actually enjoyed it too. She was so eloquent and articulate. I would be a bumbling mess; however, it's so nice to hear someone explain my same feelings so. Inspiring...just like you!